Nearly half of lawyers and law students (44%) admit to failing a law exam - and that's just the ones who admit it. It must really suck to fail a law exam, but if you did, take heart. It's law, after all. It's known to be one of the hardest degrees and careers. It's not the end of the world, and you're not the only one. It won't end your legal career.
If you failed an exam, speak to your tutors about what might have gone wrong. Read's revision tips to work out what you might want to change about your revision resources and technique, as well as your approach to exam questions.
Science shows that mind maps work: researchers have seen an average increase of 12% in grades. That could be the difference between a 1st and a 2:1, a Commendation and a Distinction, a VC and an Outstanding, a pass and a fail. However we're most grateful and heartened when we hear empirical evidence directly from people who use LawMindMaps.
If you have retakes, it's important to approach them with the most positive frame of mind. You've got a second chance to smash it. Having taken the first exam, you know what to expect -- which is a huge positive.